Wednesday, July 22, 2009

The firsthand experience

One of my vgsom batch mates reached the campus much prior to us. He was one of those privileged once who could see what we were expected to see much later than him. That’s really not the problem. I had a problem with his experience sharing techniques. He used to write blogs about anything and almost everything that he saw and to mail the links on the group forum. Now as most of us one of those curious child kind of people, used to visit the link and read the blog. I personally liked the blogs till they were informative in nature but once they started to become more of a emotion sharing sessions, I started hating them. The real reason of hate was something different.
Last month during my visit to Gokarna, I met Dave and Rejane, The SA couple. Dave once said to me that he did not like taking pictures especially of nature. The reason being that you get more involved in taking the picture and thus miss the real beauty that you could have seen through your eyes. My idea was a bit different. I felt that a photograph must be taken because that is the only medium through which you can make people see and believe what you actually saw. He claimed that I was partially wrong because by making them see that thing through photos, I am actually reducing the importance of that beautiful experience that they could have felt themselves had they visited the place on their own.. Being a photographer myself, I never accepted his ideas.
But today, after reading my batch mate’s blogs, I have started believing Dave. I feel cheated. I feel as if I am being fed with news that I do not want to listen, I feel as if I am being made to listen things that I want to discover myself. I want to be there at the campus and find things myself. That’s how I will get the real feel of a firsthand experience. Having read about all the places before hand, it’s more like reading Hindu, which comes one day late when you already know all the breaking news of the day.
Dave was true. We all believe in finding things on our own. Though we ask for some help to reach the unknown territories, but we do not want our discovery experiences to get ruined by letting some stranger tell his stories and we listening to it like dumbs..

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Name defines personality...are you listening Shreeya..

As he once said, "What’s there in the name"...I am deliberately using a Pronoun here instead of the Noun because he himself was not interested in the name. This idea of not identifying someone by his name sounds fake and faulty to me. Had he been not known by his name, these words of his would not have meant anything to the millions of people who know him now. I believe that name has to be there. And I also believe that name has a lot of effect on the behavior and personality of a person. I expect ‘Vikram’ to be an aggressive person while ‘Khushi’ to be a soft and mild girl. I expect ‘Aditya’ to be a young dynamic individual while ‘Lalitha’ to be a homely housewife material. Name has its effect. Though in varying degrees sometimes.

One such name that I feel worth mentioning here is ‘Shreya’. This name comes in various forms like Shreya, Shreeya, Shriya etc meaning Favorable, Auspicious and Fortunate. The origin of the name is Sanskrit. Apart from the few celebrities like Shreya Ghosal and an south Indian actress Shriya, I know few of this class who are closely associated with my life. The first one that I met was a small kid who happens to be my niece (a very long distance relationship). She was amazingly cute and lively. There was never a dull moment with her. At that point of time, I never believed that her activism has anything to do with her name. But with my meeting with two other people sharing the same name started pushing me towards making such a perception. My landlord’s daughter in kolkata had the same and she was kind of the most adorable girl in the whole colony. She was loved by all and sundry. The other beautiful person who flaunts the same name is my Sister-in-Law. She again is one gem of a person. Very lively and cheerful.

My belief about this name was strong but it grew stronger and even made me make a perception about this name when I met two girls having this name at scmhrd, pune. I didn’t have much interaction with one of them. But the other one was simply rocking. Bhat she was. God makes people of all different kinds. And coincidences make them meet. She and I were in the same study group. She was so much like me. ‘Awesomly
Awesome’, as we say it. One more Shreeya, who was full of life. She rarely cared as to what people thought of her when she laughed loud in class or when she made me dance and act anywhere and every in and around pune or when she helped two tired souls to achieve what they always wanted. Her beautiful eyes and lively smile can bring happiness even to the poorest of the souls. She has her own set of problems, but I am sure that she would overcome then with time. I want her to be happy all the times, so that I get to read less of her blogs. I just wish that god makes more of this kind. At least one more for me, ‘Only for me’. May god keep all the Shreyas happy and kicking.