Friday, September 25, 2009

Miss someone and create this..

It was raining outside. I sat and tried calling few people. Two of them were in office so could not talk much and one, to whom I wanted to talk most desperately, didn’t pickup. I am not blaming anyone here, but this incident pushed me to think. Think as to why things change in life, why distance changes relationships and how it happens.
There are two complementary theories. I am defining them complementary to begin with but ultimately they will turn out to be supplementary.
The first one says, “Distance strengthens a relationship, love grows stronger”. When I say love, I am taking the most general sense of it not the typical boyfriend girlfriend type but general as in love between friends. And the second one goes like, “Out of sight, out of mind”.
To analyse these theories, we understand that distance is the key driver while there are two possible outcomes, one on either side of the spectrum. One leads to a happy ending where Raj and Simran would almost run into each other when the meet after six months while the other leads to a Ghazni type ending where Simran would even not remember who Raj was. Why and how does it happen?
Every relationship follows a cycle. Relationship initiates, grows stronger, stagnates, declines and then ends. Ends is not necessarily announced but happens when communication level goes to null. The initial two phases of this cycle are the most important nodes which defines as to how long or small the stagnation graph (period) can be and fast or slow the decline would be. Let’s take an example of two casual friends, a boy and girl, who work at office together and go out on few weekends together along with other friends to malls etc. If they do not have a lot of things in common or if they do not intentionally try to build a strong relationship, though there will be an initiation but the growth would be so weak that the stagnation phase would be very small and the decline would be extremely fast when they separate. This process gets a catalyst is either one of them gets a partner to fill the vacuum. So “Long time, no see” become “Long time, Don’t want to see”. On the other hand if they intentionally try to understand each other, develop a bond wherein they feel safe and happy in each other’s presence and their being together becomes a need for both of them, the outcome will be completely different. Their bond would grow stronger with distance and the reunion would be more passionate.
HUH!! I know it’s enough of HRish shit for the day. It was just that I was missing someone. Missing very badly so came up with this. Never mind...Chill is the word. You chill; even I will try doing that.
But before I finish for the day, one interesting line that I listened somewhere....
What ultimately defines a relationship is another relationship....agree??

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