If highly enriching Chennai stay, I was back to the place where I belonged and would belong for 4 more months. I would define the third semester as a defining semester. Defining in almost all aspects of life, defining in terms of friends and friendship, defining in terms of career path and even defining in terms of my behavior and attitude in future.
The first happening moment was out visit to Vizag. Extended group of 19 made this plan to go on a trip to Vizag. Thanks to bunny for leading. This trip was fun filled, no doubt about that. It had everything to offer: valley, hills, waterfalls, amazing resort to stay, beach but the most important part was trip’s effect on relationships. Relationships, read friendships, changed their course. If few became stronger then few turned weaker too, and the ones those turned weaker became so weak that I believe now we are just faking it.
Regular events like Mid-Sem, DP holidays etc happened but this sem saw one more defining moment. I care for people in general and for the special ones, I tend to go several extra miles to keep them happy. But like a common man, I expect similar response. Or if not similar, atleast I expect that they don’t hurt me. I started jogging (lasted for some 7 to 10 days) in October. Most of the times I was alone running at gyan ghosh. On that day, I got a company. Infact I requested for the company. I never realized that I would regret the company for the most part of the jogging that day. I have no idea where it was all coming from but the company had so many harsh things to say about me that It lead to a near Go-To-Hell state. I am an emotional personal and each and every statement of the company hurt me, hurt me till core of my heart. I even thought that, “how can you act so normal with me if you have so much of negativity about me in your mind”. But then things sorted out during the same jog. No one apologized but we understood that this is how things are like whether you like it or not. For me it was that moment that I learnt that I have to be strong. I have to be that person who can say, “ Look I damn care”. I still care for the company but surely won’t be able to take that much of shit. I take shit at times, but then I and leaning fast.
Third defining moment was again related to friendship. I realized one thing that you will never be remembered for what all right you have done in past but you will always b remembered for the one mistake ( still not a mistake in your view) that you have done. Things certainly changed for me not signing. It was a matter of choice for me. By signing, I would have supported a friends view blindly and by not signing I supported my view as well as boosted the support that I was extending to another very close friend. I chose the latter.
And the last one…probably the most important event of my life ( if I do not give that much of an importance to marriage), I got placed. My MBA dream initiated in 2007 with a hope to become a banker someday. Infact the primary reason to leave hrd and join som was to make sure that I study Finance and join a bank. Towards later half of 3rd sem I realized that Consulting is the best suited field. But eventually, it turned out that fate had some other story to write. I became an operations guy.
Too much of writing for that day….
DIY Wood Pallet + Old Jeans Planter
6 years ago