Love at first sight..we biharis master it!!!
The concept of love at first sight is quite unique in itself. Though I am not a PhD in love or for that matter love making, but with the limited knowledge that I have about the topics, I understand that love is a mutual understanding between two people of opposite sex (now it can be same sex also, and Europeans lead us in this arena too) that they care for each other, they trust each other (on most of the things) and they will do whatever it takes to keep the other partner happy (though the meaning of ‘anything’ varies from time to time, place to place and person to person and offcourse gender to gender). The whole concept of love lies on the basic premise that it has to be ‘mutual’, and two people (or more if u want more fun ;) ) must be involved. So like a plain love, I mean love that happens after sometime when almost all the considerations about future financial, emotional and other such sick al securities are tested to its truest degree, love at first sight also requires two parties, and they should fall in love at the same time.
So considering that love at first sight requires two people to fall in love at the same time, that’s when they see each other for the first time, I thought of calculating the probability of such an event. No dude don’t get me wrong, I am neither a statistics genius nor a desperate research scholar. I talked about probability only in its subjective sense. Let us look into the process of love and see how difficult it is for common people to fall into love at first sight and how easy it is for a bihari.
The Common Man Situation:
A boy sits in the train. Lucky enough, he saw a girl sitting right next to her. This was the first time he got lucky enough to have a girl sitting next to him. And to quadruple the joy, the girl was beautiful, well dressed and very open (she started talking to him as soon as he offered her help in placing her luggage). For Dhruv Arora , a delhi born and brought up upper middle class no nonsense studious kid, this was more than a dream come true. Looking into his past record of having no girlfriends (the cuchy coo ones), two girlfriends (the normal lady friends) and IIT Btech background, he had to fall in love. He did all what it takes to pretend that he was the best available bachelor for the coming one and a half days of journey to pune and somehow managed to get her number also. Smart kid, he managed to meet her once at HRC, spent a lot of money to make an impression. Later that night they saw a movie also and then had their dinner at a Mexican restaurant. It all went fine till the next weekend when the girl sensed that Mr Arora was expecting something else out of her and she informed him politely that she was already into a relationship. Her boyfriend was an IIMC grad and a Investment banker with deutsche in Singapore. Poor Mr Arora, he lost a lot in these two days. He lost few thousands that he spent on her, he lost an opportunity to visit daman and diu with his friends on that same weekend and the biggest one was that he lost the love that he desperately wanted to have. And all this because he wanted it to be ‘mutual’.
The Bihari Guy Situation:
The first thing that a bihari will do is, remove the concept of ‘mutual’ from love. For them it does not matter if the other party is interested or not. Love happens as soon as you want it to happen. So the chances of love at the first sight increases many folds. Let us see the same story when it happened to Kumar Priyardarshi, a middle class patna born kid famous as PD among his friends. PD has killer looks, killer brains and killer instincts.
A boy sits in the train. Lucky enough, he saw a girl sitting right next to her. This was the not the first that he had a girl sitting next to him. And like it happened every other time the girl was beautiful, well dressed and very open (she started talking to him as soon as he offered her help in placing her luggage). For PD this was a cake walk. Looking into his past record of having N girlfriends (the cuchy coo ones), N girlfriends (the normal lady friends) and NITJ Btech background, he had to fall in love. He did not waste any time and fell in love immediately. Love at the very first sight. It never mattered to him if she was interested or not, she became his love interest the very moment. He did all what a BF should do for his GF (only help and support, no nonsense acts) in coming one and a half days of journey to pune and somehow managed to get her number also. Smart kid, he managed to meet her once at HRC, spent a lot of money to make an impression on his LAFS GF*. Later that night they saw a movie also and then had their dinner at a Mexican restaurant which the LAFS GF* liked a lot. It all went fine till the next weekend when the girl sensed that Mr PD was expecting something else out of her and she informed him politely that she was already into a relationship. Her boyfriend was an IIMC grad and an Investment banker with deutsche in Singapore. Mr PD, the smart chap immediately dumped her as his LAFS GF* and clarified that it’s ok with him. They became best buddies in the coming months. PD fell in love with a lot of her other friends also. He never lost anything. To him all this was more of an opportunity cost. For example in this case also he just spent a few thousand on his LAFS GF* and then kinda dumped her. Come on GF dumps BFs and vice versa, that is common and don’t calculate all what u spent on her as loss. Though he missed the trip to Daman, his weekend was great. They had an awesome time at poolside bar at a 5 star hotel in the city itself. And the best part is, he was in love for fuc***g 15 days man.
I just lost what I wanted to prove and don’t have the patience to read or write any more, so guys take a break. Put in your comments. It motivates and discourages me, based on whether the comment is positive or negative. So write whatever u want to write, I damn care....if I get time, I will write again!!!!!
PS: LAFS GF means love at first sight girl friend.